Update of the Corner Garden
Lots of changes in the corner garden. I did so much work over the weekend that I was too tired to write about it until today. Unfortunately, about 70% of it was inside, and as much I'd like to post pictures of my laundry and my daughter's very clean room, I'll spare you. So here is what I did to the garden:
The garden a couple of weeks ago:
The garden now:I added landscaping timbers and moved the two palms from the back to the new circle. I also moved some of the crinums along the fence, including my eBay find. I also added some white vinca in the front. It is an improvement, but I'm not entirely pleased with it. First, the mulch is mighty orange. I would have prefered a more natural color, but I worked with what I had. The second thing is something I didn't notice until I finished and took these pictures. Maybe it is the circle. Maybe its the arc of white flowers or the palm trees. All I know is I can't see anything else.